connective development : a blog-thesis conversation that leads to real strategies!

IMAG1132The project starts!

I am writing a thesis for my MBA program, which is intended to be an integration of some ideas I started working on in my last 5 years and themes studied this year in an effort to learn the breadth of issues that cities face worldwide in supporting their economies (specifically with an eye towards accelerating innovation).  Some theories started emerging while leading the Economic Development Corporation of New Haven, and others were initially encountered working in Mayor Bloomberg’s administration (term 2) within Economic Development at the ‘dawn’ of our new economy post 2008 crash.  The following posts will outline some thoughts, some data, and some observations, and certainly some opinions.

After working for the last two months of throwing things down on paper, doing much background research on who might be studying which themes that I”ve uncovered, and setting up the framework for this project, I’m ready to start writing!  After the research, it is pretty clear that there are many many smart people out there trying very hard to figure out how to best spur economic growth. However, I do continue to return to an idea that our tools and frameworks (which are mono-geographic by design, and by political history) are hemming us in, and creating much waste in its wake. I chose to do this blog as a way of breaking the ‘ominous’ scale of a thesis down to bite size pieces, and to hopefully engage with a broader audience of readers and people interested in the progress of these thoughts.
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As I’ve never done a project of this scale before, I would like your help! Please feel free to make a comment, or drop me a line with your thoughts/resources/links as I pull the pieces and ideas for my thesis together. I’m anxious to make this thesis more of an annotated conversation leading to a set of real-time strategies that could be employed by cities/institutions/corporations to accelerate localized (and therefore the national) economies, as well as their ‘connected’ triple bottom line.

Please note: I am in the process of making sure that my thoughts are well organized and communicated, while working on my skills to make sure I cite work by others correctly. I am very aware that I”m entering new personal territory of sharing thoughts, and presenting ‘original work’, and also very aware that i’m inspired by many others, and standing (if i’m lucky!) on the shoulders of others…..

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