channelling enthusiasm and optimism into urban economic success

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Like any other organism, cities have the ability to take on a ‘mood,’ and be affected by the collective emotion.  In visiting and meeting people in my favorite underdog cities, i often come across the concern that ‘we just can’t get out of our own way.’  This concerns rings true, as it was something i understood in New Haven, but was able to see a ‘turn’ of mindset which propelled the overall activity of the city.  A critical mass of invested and optimistic people, in the face of perceived and real challenges, can build a momentum that is infectious, and will translate to real progress.  Although it will still take years, the ripple and collective effect of growing private and personal  investment in place (no matter how small) will change the course of success.

As highlighted in a recent Bloomberg business week article, the experts might concur: “Even if our pessimism were grounded in reality, we would have a better chance of improving our economic fortunes if we pretended to be optimistic…Over the long term—periods of 15 years—it appears that happiness and optimism are a driving force behind even stronger economic performance, encouraging risk, experimentation, and hard work”

I saw a dying neighborhood commercial district and tired residential neighborhood (with great building stock) change direction with the introduction of a farmers market–bolstering community engagement and increase the sense of security and opportunity in the district.  Over time this led to increased ties between residents and commercial buisnesses, increased use of a public park, private investment in the building stock, increased land values, and new commercial enterprises.
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Through enabling and helping the visibility of the emerging tech and design companies (amplifying scale of activity perhaps more than what was actually there), and supporting a few key influencers and groups of engaged champions around issues/activities,  I saw a fledgling  downtown district  (strong art gallery and a few early  restaurants) transform into a thriving neighborhood full of new business, new residents, and public engagement.

so what’s the answer?  enable enthusiastic influencers, eternal optimists, and channel passionate champions towards efforts that support the common goal.  most importantly support community engagement in a way that people encounter each other, witness the kindess of strangers, the talents of neighbors, and find a place for themselves in the act of ‘doing’ something.  Let that action promulgate enthusiasm, optimism, and a sense of opportunity, and see your city thrive.